Evolution Pervious offers products and equipment that fulfill your pervious and standard concrete needs. You may have the perfect mix but without the proper equipment your jobs will be more time consuming, labor intensive, and more costly that they should be. Adding the right equipment also opens up doors to new opportunities and makes your bids more appealing and more competitive.
Our TRAILrider® slipform pavers have paved pathways, trails, and lanes from Texas to New Zealand and Seattle to Italy. TRAILrider® reduces labor cots by up to 80% while laying the finest concrete trail available. Be sure to take a look at TRAILrider® Slipform Paver and Lura Power Screeds.
Now, let’s talk abou the actual content of your mix. HydroMax® internal curing admixture provides an internal source of water necessary to replace that which is consumed by chemical shrinkage during hydration. After testing a dozen products in real world conditions HydroMax® rose to the occasion every time.
Industry Focused Products
TRAILRider® Slipform Paver
The TRAILrider® Slipform Paver is unique in that it is towed behind a concrete truck or other piece of equipment. It forms, places, compacts and finishes standard or pervious concrete as it is pulled. The majority of the work is done for you, only minor handwork may be necessary to finish. The TRAILrider® requires no motor and has very few moving parts yet is extremely versatile.
HydroMax® Admixture
HydroMax® admixture increases the hydration of portland cement and other cementitious materials while facilitating placing and finishing operations. It can be used to capture and retain excess water in sensitive w/cm mixes and reduce the risk of rejected loads.
Lura Power Screed
Typical screeds are bulky, heavy and require multiple workers to operate, while the Lura Power Screed is designed to reduce manpower and increase productivity. Gas or Electric Motor. Provides powerful operation on both indoor and outdoor jobsites. Include a 50-cc Honda gas motor, or optional single- or dual-drive electric motor.