Pervious concrete has its benefits, but the fact is – it usually looks ugly. WalkWay™ Fine-Grain Pervious is different. We start by using a smaller aggregate along with an exact water/cement ratio to produce durable, beautiful, and beneficial fine grain pervious concrete.
Fine-grain pervious mixes deliver people-friendly, highly permeable, and easy-to-maintain concrete. Benefits of pervious include:
- Zero runoff
- Mimics natural infiltration
- Prevents erosion
- Structural strength and durability
- Reduces or eliminates most stormwater infrastructure
- More usable square footage available for buildings and parking
- It does not count as impervious surface
WalkWay™ Fine-Grain Pervious is compliant with new stormwater regulations:
- EPA “Best Practices” product
- EPA Clean Water Act compliant
- Clean Rivers Rewards complaint
- LEED Points: solar reflectance criteria and on-site treatment
Evolution WalkWay™ Fine-Grain Pervious concrete is the perfect choice for:
- Sidewalks
- Patios
- Courtyards
- Walking / bike trails
- Cart paths
- Pool surrounds
- Plazas